Glaxo Technologies the pioneers in the software development services, digital solutions and marketing industry. We help our clients to accelerate their business growth by providing innovative digital solutions, unique ideas to solve complex business needs across various industries like Healthcare, Education, Retail & E-Commerce, CRM, Travel & Logistics, Manufacturing etc., A swiftly grown young techie having 14+ years of experience, leading a high performing & risk-taking project team of more than 500 members, who were working for a top-notch of fortune 500 company had received a call for serving people and nations triggering his hidden entrepreneurial mindset. Although it was a tough decision to challenge himself by quitting the option of having secured life which is giving comfortable returns sufficing his family requirements, he took an assertive step forward to obey his calling and with the only belief in his Almighty. He trusted that “you’ll reap what you sow”. He soon began to sharpen his saw to become an entrepreneur and framed his mind into trizonal market assessments. Witnessing the past, highlighting the advantages & risk of entering the volatile market with prevailing conditions and visualizing the scope for future, he wisely drew a line to bridge the gap of people doing business who needed technology to grow with operational ease.
11 Stamford road E61LP London